
Forest City Nature Therapy is located in Rockford, Illinois, and is run by Callie Hunter, a certified Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guide.

Did you know that the average person processes 74 gigabytes of information in a day through various forms of media(this is equivalent to watching 16 movies). 500 years ago, this was the amount information a highly educated individual would consume in an entire lifetime.

We are more isolated from others than ever before - and our relationship with nature has disintegrated more quickly in the past 50 years than it has in centuries. We have forgotten, in a sense, a piece of who we are, because we ARE nature - we ARE connection - and when you spend five minutes breathing in the outdoor air, you remember.

Forest therapy provides the opportunity to reconnect: to yourself - to others - to nature, in a place - a space - where anything is welcome.

To book a walk, click here or click on the “Book a Walk” tab above.

(Don’t forget to check out the nature clubs as well - they offer significant price breaks for committing to a monthly walk subscription )

For contact information, click here or click on the “Contact” tab above.

Henry David Thoreau wrote,

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach”

… Maybe you’re here to see what it has to teach? Click around the website, or connect with Callie, and ask some questions. We get one life — let’s do it well :)