Forest/Nature Therapy

What is Forest Therapy?

The easiest way to explain this is to start with what it isn’t - Forest Therapy is NOT:

  • An intense hike that will leave you exhausted - A forest therapy walk is usually less than a mile over a three hour time period… If you’re looking to break a sweat, hit the gym before or after, because while being outside is incredible for your health, this walk is not for exercise

  • A walking therapy session. Although Callie is a psychologist, she saves the counseling for other settings.

SO What Forest Therapy IS:

  • Your guide will offer a series of invitations. They are not exercises or activities… simply offerings or invitations to follow where your body leads you

  • An opportunity to come back to your physical senses and fall into being and connection within the natural environment

  • Restoration of health and wellbeing

All is Welcome Here.

We are surrounded by demands. Our lives are loud and busy and passing us by quicker than we can possibly keep up. Nature provides an opportunity to pause - if only for a moment, and remember what is to be alive.

The forest will not judge.

Nature has no agenda. No Deadlines. No expectations.

Come as you are. Take what you choose. Give what you choose. Be free to be authentically yourself.

All is welcome in the woods.